Lawsuit: former officer involved in sex crime
Headline Court News |
2009/10/26 09:34
WATERBURY, Conn. - !-- P2P_LIVE_EDIT content_item_dateline_preview END -- !-- P2P_LIVE_EDIT content_item_body_preview START --A lawyer for a 17-year-old boy has fileda lawsuit against the city of a class=taxInlineTagLink href=http://www.courant.com/topic/us/connecticut/new-haven-county/waterbury-PLGEO100100205240000.topic title=Waterbury id=PLGEO100100205240000Waterbury/a, claiming a now-retiredcity police officer handcuffed the teen during an attempted sexualassault in 2006.
The lawsuit was filed earlier this month and seeks unspecifieddamages. It accuses the city of negligent hiring and supervision offormer Officer Stephen Flanigan.
Flanigan could not be reached Monday. His home phone number isnot listed.
The boy told police that Flanigan handcuffed him during anattempted assault by Charles Fullenwiley at Fullenwiley'snow-defunct electronics store in Waterbury. Fullenwiley wassentenced last week to 40 years in prison for assaulting boys hetied up in his shop.
Flanigan has not been arrested, and an internal affairsinvestigation found the allegations unsubstantiated. |