New Mexico Turns Corner On Drunk Driving
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2009/08/03 09:08
The Los Angeles Times reports that California DUI arrests could be down, if only they copy what's been implemented just a few states away.
New Mexico, which led the nation in alcohol-related crash rates for years, in 2005 became the first state to require the interlock for every convicted drunk driver. The interlock legislation has been the centerpiece of the state's sweeping anti-drunk-driving efforts, which include more sobriety checkpoints, tougher mandatory sentencing laws for driving while intoxicated, and the creation of the nation's first DWI czar.
The initiatives have paid off.
New Mexico, home to high rates of alcohol abuse and miles and miles of open road, is now ranked 25th in alcohol-related fatal crash rates and is expected to place lower when the latest rankings are compiled later this year. From 2004 to 2008, the number of DWI fatalities here dropped 35%, from 219 to 143.
If you're looking for a a href=http://www.dui1guy.com/DUI defense attorney/a, turn to a href=http://www.dui1guy.com/Los Angeles DUI lawyer Michael Bialys/a. He can help you understand a href=http://www.dui1guy.com/why-hire-a-lawyer-for-duiwhy to hire a DUI defense attorney/a and show you how he can help. a href=http://www.dui1guy.com/contact-usContact him/a to set up a consultation. |
Man On Riding Lawnmower Charged With DUI
Headline Topics |
2009/08/02 14:36
According to the Associated Press, with a revoked license because of a previous drunken-driving conviction, Dennis Cretton shouldn't drive. But authorities said that didn't stop the 49-year-old man from drunkenly driving up to a gas station for more beer -- on his yellow riding lawnmower.
Cretton was charged with felony aggravated driving under the influence after neighbors reported he was weaving in and out of traffic on his lawnmower last week.
When deputies tried to stop him,authorities said Bretton drove the mower into his home's front yard, his 12-pack of Milwaukee's Best spilling onto the ground along the way.
Pittsburgh DUI attorney a href=http://www.gbmlawpittsburgh.com/Gerald B. McNamara/a can assist you should you ever find yourself with a DUI or DWI in Pittsburgh. This DWI lawyer will help you a href=http://www.gbmlawpittsburgh.com/dui-faqunderstand DUI law/a and do what it takes to clear you of the charges. a href=http://www.gbmlawpittsburgh.com/contactContact him today/a. |
DHS Owes 148 Workers Overtime For Training
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2009/08/02 12:10
Courthouse News reports nearly 150 current and former Department of Homeland Security employees are a href=http://www.wlfirm.com/entitled to overtime pay/a for training a sixth day each week, the Court of Federal Claims ruled.
The agency employees said the department failed to pay them overtime for a mandatory sixth day of training at its Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Glynco, Ga.
The government admitted that it never paid overtime for those extra days, but argued that the 148 employees missed their two-year deadline to sue under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
For those who seek out a a href=http://www.wlfirm.com/Dallas-based labor and employment lawyer/a, a href=http://www.wlfirm.com/Weinberg Law Firm/a has a number of a href=http://www.wlfirm.com/practice-areaslabor attorneys/a who can assist you. a href=http://www.wlfirm.com/contactSet up a consultation/a today. |
NY Takes A Look At Medical Malpractice
Court Watch News |
2009/08/01 11:04
pCrain's New York Business reports that as a one-year New York state moratorium on a href=http://www.kellygrouppc.com/john-q-kelly-lawyer-attorney.htmlmedical malpractice/a insurance rate hikes enters its second month, reformers are hoping the state Legislature will come up with ways to lower such costs permanently./ppOne proposal—not yet in the form of a bill—would limit the number of suits by tightening New York’s lawyer-friendly “comparative negligence” rules to match those of most other states./ppNew York is one of only 13 states that allow a href=http://www.kellygrouppc.com/john-q-kelly-lawyer-attorney.htmlmedical malpractice/a lawsuits to proceed regardless of the degree to which physician negligence allegedly caused a patient’s injury./ppIf you're in the area, a href=http://www.kellygrouppc.com/index.htmlNew York medical malpractice lawyer John Q. Kelly/a and his law firm can assist you. They specialize not only in a href=http://www.kellygrouppc.com/john-q-kelly-lawyer-attorney.htmlmedical malpractice/a, but also wrongful death and catastrophic injury. You may recognize him as the a href=http://www.kellygrouppc.com/john-q-kelly-high-profile-cases.htmlNatalee Holloway estate lawyer/a. a href=http://www.kellygrouppc.com/john-q-kelly-contact.htmlContact him/a today.
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